With the F-6 Chest Guard, which will not only survive impacts but also outlive the majority of conventional protective gear, you may practice combinations and train twice as hard. With its distinctive strapping mechanism, you may wear it over your shoulder or around your back with comfort and security. With its distinctive design that distributes blows and deters the destruction of a skilled fighter, this chest guard guarantees that you practice blows you would deliver in a real-world combat scenario. The end product is an athlete who has improved, become stronger, and matured.
- For a long-lasting, rip-resistant coat, use Kalix Skin Maya Hide Leather.
- To harden the surface and soften blows, use Sponge X Padding.
- To absorb hits and distribute them without endangering the wearer, employ an infused shock dispersion sheet.
- The EVA-LUTION Sheet is a special type of cushioning made especially for protective equipment.
- For safe buckling and wearability, elastized shoulder straps with the "Quick-EZ" "Hook and Loop" system are used.